How to Prevent Grease Build Up in Kitchen

How to Prevent Grease Build Up in Kitchen? 7 Easy Steps!

Grease buildup is a common problem in any kitchen, and it can be a real challenge to keep under control. Not only can it make your kitchen look and smell unappealing, but it can also pose a fire hazard if left unchecked. The good news is that you can do a few easy things to avoid grease buildup and maintain a healthy and tidy kitchen.

In this article, we will explore some effective methods and tips for preventing grease buildup in the kitchen. From basic cleaning techniques to changes in cooking habits, we will cover everything you need to know to maintain a clean and functional kitchen space. Whether you are an experienced home cook or just starting, these tips will help keep your kitchen looking great and functioning safely.

By following these preventative measures, you can save time and money in the long run by avoiding costly deep cleans and repairs. Instead, with a little effort and regular maintenance, you can keep your kitchen looking its best and functioning safely for years. So, let’s get started and learn how to prevent grease build up in kitchen!

How to Prevent Grease Build Up in Kitchen

How to Prevent Grease Build Up in Kitchen

Preventing grease buildup in the kitchen is essential for maintaining a clean and safe cooking environment. Here are some easy ways you can follow to help you prevent grease buildup in your kitchen:

1. Don’t Leave Your Pot on the Stove For Too Long

If you leave a pot on the stove too long, the contents may boil over and create a mess. It is best to keep an eye on the pot and not leave it unattended for too long. If it does start to boil over, it can create a sticky mess on the stovetop that you will have to clean up later.

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2. Manage the Splatter

Sometimes when you’re cooking, some types of food can make a big mess. But don’t fret; there are simple measures you can take to keep your cooktop and kitchen clean from grease and food splatters.

Use an oil splatter screen if you want to avoid messes. Steam can exit while grease does not splatter all over your stove with these handy screens. Similar screens that enable food to vent while keeping the microwave clean are also available.

To add to this, a lid is a useful culinary hack. The cover keeps the water from evaporating and splashing all over the place. If you remove the cover too quickly, splattering may occur.

A splatter barrier may also be employed. The skillet will still splatter, but cleaning up will be much simpler and faster.

Finally, you can cover the stove burners you are not using with a baking sheet. This simple trick can help protect your burners from any unwanted splatters.

3. Use the Right Size Pan

If you find yourself constantly searching for ways to clean up kitchen grease, one reason could be that you are using a too small pan for your cooking needs. When you use a small pot or pan, the food may need more room to cook properly and can end up spilling over the sides, causing a greasy mess. Investing in a larger pot or pan gives your food more space to cook without overflowing and making a mess.

4. Use Lower Temperatures to Cook

If you have the option, using lower temperatures when cooking is a good idea. This can help prevent grease and other food particles from splattering all over your kitchen, so you will have to clean up less often.

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Knowing what to do in case of a grease fire is also important. If a fire starts, never use water to try to put it out because it can worsen the flames. Instead, use a fire extinguisher, baking soda, or a fire blanket to extinguish the flames safely.

5. Clean Your Kitchen Regularly

Cleaning up messes as soon as they happen is usually easier than letting them sit and become harder to clean. For example, if your cooking makes a greasy mess, it is a good idea to wipe it right away to make cleaning up later much easier.

To keep your kitchen clean, you should prevent grease from building up in the first place. One tip you may come across when searching for how to clean a stovetop is to clean it every time you cook. It may seem like a lot of work, but wiping down your stove before and after each use will only take a few seconds and be much easier in the long run.

6. Use Your Cabinet Space

One of the most frustrating things about cooking is how grease can stick to things that are difficult to clean. To prevent this, you can store these items in a cabinet to keep them from getting coated in kitchen grease.

7. Use a Range Hood

One effective way to stop cooking grease from accumulating on your stove, counters, and cabinets is to use your range hood or exhaust fan. All you have to do is turn it on as soon as you begin cooking, without fail.

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Nearly all range hoods have a filtration system specially engineered to capture particles like grease. This mechanism sifts the air, filtering out the grease particles, and then either release it outside or cycles it back into the room.


Preventing grease buildup in the kitchen is essential for maintaining a clean and safe living space. By cleaning up spills promptly, regularly cleaning appliances, and changing cooking habits, you can prevent grease from accumulating on kitchen surfaces, appliances, and walls. In addition, it helps keep your kitchen looking great and reduces the risk of fires caused by built-up grease.

Remember, prevention is key regarding grease buildup in the kitchen. By taking these simple steps, you can save yourself time and money in the long run by avoiding the need for expensive and time-consuming deep cleans. With a little effort and vigilance, you can keep your kitchen looking and functioning at its best for years.

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